Medical Acupuncture

What is Medical Acupuncture?
Medical Acupuncture involves the precise insertion of ultra-thin stainless steel needles into specific points within the affected muscles. This technique stimulates the muscles, promoting healing, relieving pain, and enhancing range of motion, all without the need for medication or drugs.
By incorporating medical acupuncture into our comprehensive treatment approach, we aim to provide targeted and effective care for pain and injuries. Our experienced therapists utilise this technique to address your specific pain points and help you find relief, improve your condition, and regain optimal function.
Benefits of Medical Acupuncture
When inserted into a trigger point in the targeted muscle, the needle will trigger what is known as the local twitch response: the involuntary contraction of the band of taught muscle fibres within the muscle. Once this reflex has been triggered, the following additional physiological benefits can occur:
Decrease the activity of the muscle
Decrease of the length-tension of the muscle fibres.
Increases blood flow and oxygenation to aid tissue repair.
Decrease in pain.

Conditions Treated
Medical Acupuncture can be used for the treatment of the following pain and injuries:
Acute and chronic injuries
Neck and back pain
Muscle spasms
Hip and knee pain
Muscle strains
Elbow pain
Overuse injuries
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